Former Bridgeport Mayor Joseph P. Ganim‘s victory in the Park City’s Sept. 16 Democratic mayoral primary continues to be one of the hottest Connecticut news stories. Mr. Ganim prevailed over two-term Mayor Bill Finch despite a 2003 conviction on federal corruption charges. For his shenanigans, Mr. Ganim spent seven years in prison. He didn’t apologize for his crimes until he began laying the groundwork for a return to politics.
One of Connecticut’s foremost political observers, Sacred Heart University Government, Politics and Global Studies professor Gary Rose, has weighed in on Mr. Ganim’s win. During an interview with the Darien Daily Voice, Professor Rose posited that if Mr. Ganim triumphs in November, Connecticut Democrats’ brand may take a hit potent enough to cause Democrats trouble in races held in competitive territory, i.e. outside of large, solidly Democratic cities like Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven.
“The Democratic Party in the state of Connecticut is in a quandary. They’re going to have to do some delicate strategizing,” he said. Read more about it all here.
I greatly enjoy Professor Rose’s commentary and usually find his analysis right on the mark. However, I can’t say I buy this prognostication. From where I’m sitting, the Connecticut Democratic establishment cannot credibly be portrayed as an enthusiastic backer of the disgraced former mayor.
Mr. Ganim received the mayoral nomination from his fellow Bridgeport Democrats. In choosing Mr. Ganim over Mayor Finch, they snubbed the city Democratic Party and some of the most prominent Democrats holding state and federal offices. The Bridgeport Democratic Party endorsed Mayor Finch in July. Not long afterward, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, Attorney General George C. Jepsen, U.S. Rep. Jim Himes of the 4th District, and U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Christopher S. Murphy announced their support for the mayor.
It is hard to envision Mr. Ganim emerging as the establishment’s guy during the general-election campaign. Gov. Malloy, the titular head of the state party, has been openly reluctant to support him. Near as I can tell, Mr. Jepsen, Rep. Himes, Sens. Blumenthal and Murphy, and other prominent elected officials have been quiet on the subject. In all likelihood, any support individual state officials and the state Democratic Party offer will be made out of desires to honor the will of the people, not out of deep-seated enthusiasm for Mr. Ganim.
Needless to say, it is hard to figure how Mr. Ganim’s stunning victory taints Connecticut’s Democratic establishment. In my humble opinion, the only people who stand to be tainted are the folks who went out and voted for Mr. Ganim despite his jaw-dropping history of criminality and arrogance.